
The White House would like to confirm that all treatments carried out by our dental professionals in our nationwide clinics adheres to EU Directive regarding gel strengths in our whitening products and only perform treatments within the EU and Irish guidelines. You can view the directive here.

If  you require more information or are unclear about our treatments and various gel strengths do not hesitate to contact our call centre on 01-8904613


The new EU laws that came into affect from October 1st 2012, which the Irish Government supported and put into effect from the 31st of October 2012 which can be seen here  regarding the use of hydrogen peroxide in Teeth whitening gels.

  • Products containing or releasing less than 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide, including mouth rinse, tooth paste and tooth whitening or bleaching products are safe and will continue to be freely available on the market.
  • Tooth whitening or bleaching products containing or releasing between 0.1%-6% of hydrogen peroxide should be carried out by dental practitioners or under their direct supervision if an equivalent level of safety is ensured. After the first cycle of use, the product may be provided by the dental practitioner to the consumer to complete the cycle of use.
  • Concentrations exceeding 6% of hydrogen peroxide present or released in oral products, including tooth whitening or bleaching products, remain prohibited.
  • “Tooth whitening procedures carried out by beauty salons or clinics should not involve the use of products containing greater than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide” – Irish Medicines Board

If you find any dental practice, clinic or beauty salon in breach of these regulations please do not hesitate to report them to the Irish Medicines Board who are the governing body responsible for product testing and enforcing this regulation.

More information regarding the regulations available on their site here


This revolutionary product is a peroxide, chlorine dioxide and bleach free teeth whitening system. The gel was developed in the USA and is being used in both the Beauty and Dental industries throughout Europe achieving exceptional results. The B-Zero gel has been safety assessed and clinically tested and is fully compliant with EU Health & Safety Regulations. It has ISO 9000 quality control accreditation ensuring only the highest quality and safety standards.

With no peroxide, chlorine dioxide or bleaching agents, this product will not cause any unwanted sensitivity, or damage to the gums. We have found this to be a superior product without the health risks associated with hydrogen peroxide based gels, which is a safer option for our consumers therefore we opted to complete all teeth whitening treatments using the b-zero gel only. We also supply 0% peroxide take home kits and maintenance kits. Full toxicology and data safety reports available on request.


Even though the Irish Medical Board state that “Tooth whitening products are classified as cosmetic products and not as medical devices” All our treatments are performed by fully qualified dental professionals, which is imperative to completing healthy and safe treatments in a clinical and sterilised environment.
All of our treatments are also carried out by fully qualified dental professionals who have gone through years of university training in the dental field as well as many years of practical industry experience.
Performing our tooth whitening procedures not only within the legal requirements, but also performing them in the best interest of the consumer, and to the highest level of professionalism is at the forefront of The White House, teeth whitening specialists company policy.